| epi | outreach and education

| epi | outreach and education

Mission | Vision of Economics for Peace Institute

Mission Statement: Economics for Peace Institute, a research institute, works globally through education, research and economic development to build peace, foster sustainability, and restore the Earth’s natural systems. The Institute’s work is measured by local people for its social benefits,…

Getting Started | The Essentials

First.  Ecological and social systems are complex and best understood locally.  Locals carry first-hand knowledge based on real-time observation and experience. Second. The building blocks of community resilience and ecological sustainability start from the ground up. There is no technology…

What is economics for peace?

Peace is critical to protecting the biosphere. Participatory community research is critical to both. Peace is an economic condition built upon respect for others and good information. As things stand, it appears that financial leaders (not our democratically elected representatives_…

Choose what works for you when you donate to econ4peace

Support a research institute that supports local people – to better inform public decisions where they live. When we all take part in place-based community research, we contribute in the aggregate to restoring peace which is fundamentally necessary to restoring…

The Groundwork Project

Unite our Understanding. Community circles for common ground. Place-based research for and by locals. Stewardship meets the groundwork of democracy. Local measures of peace and prosperity. Economics for Peace Institute provides tools for communities to establish baseline indicators of community…

Community Research Tool Kit for People and Planet

On Earth Day 2024 (April 22), the Institute launched the Community Research Tool Kit. This is our first crowdfunding campaign to build support for community research. The Institute’s five person management team – which meets weekly – made the decision…

Community Mediation Center

The need for community mediation is omnipresent – historically and today. On the Qumiper Peninsula, the need for place-based community mediation services is unmet. Creating a culture of peace and mediation towards resolution of civil disputes is critical – now…

Consulting Services to Build Capacity in Community Research

Healthy Communities Community-Based Ecosystem Stewardship Economics for Peace Institute provides consulting services under the branch name, Participatory Strategies Group | PSG. We provide customized services to communities and local, state and federal government. We also work in overseas settings. We…

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