| epi | Education Program

The Groundwork Project

Unite our Understanding. Community circles for common ground. Place-based research for and by locals. Stewardship meets the groundwork of democracy. Local measures of peace and prosperity. Economics for Peace Institute provides tools for communities to establish baseline indicators of community…

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Place-based research for and by locals. Economics for Peace Institute works from the rainforests and dairylands of the Pacific Northwest. The Institute is spearheading and coordinating a multi-year pilot study on the North Olympic Peninsula. This is a cross-jurisdictional study…


About Social Fieldwork

Social fieldwork is practical research that ensures real local input is at the table when public decisions are made. The institute fosters social fieldwork by local people so place-based communities can come together around baseline indicators of community well-being and…

detailsAbout Social Fieldwork

Become a sustaining donor

Our goal for 2024 is 100 sustaining donors by September 21. Will you be one? Your consistent financial support will allow us to conduct participatory research with more and more communities. Good information is necessary to good decisions. Biased information…

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Social Fieldwork Teams

Cooperative social fieldwork research teams emerge informally through practice and experience. Social fieldwork teams are comprised of locals and professionals supporting research in their place-based communities. The focus of research is to support good decisions on issues urgent or long…

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