memorial art show

marcus william butler

october 5 – 1 to 4pm

a memorial art show is planned on the anniversary of marcus’ death. on this day, we will celebrate not only an exceptional man, but the launch of a community mediation center in marcus’ honor.

marcus’ photos take center stage in a show he hoped to produce after he turned 60. his photos will appear alongside exhibits about his life and interests. this invitational art show will also feature local artists in his circle including remarkably gifted, multi-dimensional artist steven r. johnson. a reunion of bioregional poets such as “jampa” richard denner (see and town tavern usuals (now elders) is also happening.

Video Call with Jampa who in the late 70s brought letterpress to the Copper Canyon Poetry as part of a workshop he took at fort worden. he will also speak on tibetan buddhist practice, philosophy over the ages, and the mobilization of awareness in berkeley/san francisco in the 70s when marcus was a child.

community picnic potluck from noon to 3pm at fort worden state park.

tix available at discount online ($5 and $10) – $15 on day of event

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