Online Climate Library
Economics for Peace Institute is developing capacity to delivery customized libraries for community research labs, city and county government, nonprofits and research groups.
The base library module brings current research at your finger tips on every dimension of climate science, impact and response.
We also plan to provide a portal to our community research library for social fieldwork guild members and others. The details to be worked out as we grow our capacity to deliver and support services.
In the Works for Fall 2024.
To begin, we will provide the Online Climate Library service solely to organizations actively demonstrating community-supported biosphere restoration in one the Institute’s study areas. Our objective in advancing project is to provide capacity for participatory evaluation of such initiatives by community members.
The library platform we encourage others to use is digitally independent and exists solely because of a forward-thinking sociologist who anticipated the paywall market driven appropriation of knowledge that might occur in the future.
Developing A Work Plan Proposal for Your Organization and Beneficiaries
As stated, we can work with organizations such as community research labs, city and county government, nonprofits and other research groups.
Through our consulting branch, Participatory Strategies Group, | epi | Associates will assess your requirement and develop a preliminary work plan for review. A final workplan and budget will be drafted for approval and go-ahead. Our proposal will include the provision of community and/or staff training. We can also provide reference guides customized to your users to support easy coordination of a shared library online workspace. As required, we are available to provide follow up training – online or in person.
Contact us to schedule a phone conversation with an | epi | Associate to answer your initial questions. During this call, we can assess potential scope and cost estimates.