Participatory Conversations Matter

Participatory conversation is a necessity, not just wishful thinking.

How do we resolve thorny social issues?  How do we achieve sustainable social, economic and environmental outcomes? How do we sustain unified insight over time?

The building blocks of a better future require understanding.  Understanding comes through good conversation. Let’s unite our understanding to protect what matters most.  Join us in practicing participatory conversations that matter.

Participatory conversation is foundational to democracy and good public decisions.

GUIDANCE | Experiential training and ongoing support

We work with groups and individuals to explore appreciative inquiry, mediation, and social fieldwork as a way forward to unite our understanding.  We prepare individuals or groups to join with others in learning how to bring these essential tools to life in your workaday projects and for ensuring sound governance.

In 2025, we have planned a training series in:

→ appreciative inquiry
→ social fieldwork and participatory research
→ the practice of mediation

We offer training online or in person.

For those who are prepared to work closely in their communities, we plan to offer one on one support. We plan to offer an online scheduler to make this easy. Pending future funding, we will offer this service at no cost or by donation.  We can discuss to clarify and discover next steps to make this work well for you or your community.

OUR APPROACH | Flexible and adaptive to your situation

We work by invitation of place-based local community members to support excellent conversations. We can visit with you and your community. It might make sense to offer an introductory talk with a reflective activity to begin your community process. We can also work online.

For individuals wishing to begin conversations in their community, we offer training and support as you build interest and a group comes together. The specifics will be customized in a participatory way to work with your situation, your needs, your availability and to encourage the discovery and exploration of community-based participatory action research by other members of your community.

Starting in 2025, we will offer formal social fieldwork training for planners, researchers and community members. We plan to create an online self-pace course with practicum and support.

Opportunities to learn are ongoing. In addition to social fieldwork, we offer informal workshops to support the soft skills of democracy including mediation and appreciative inquiry.

Spread the word. Practice makes perfect.

Field Ecology – Citizen/Community Science Orientation
Natural Building Colloquium – 2015 – Black Ridge Mountains, New Mexico
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