| epi | Partners and Sponsors

List forthcoming.

For now, we highlight our restart with a solid base for place-based research through the goodwill of the Chimacum Grange in Washington.

Chimacum Grange partnership in view of possibly partnering with Granges across the country

To prepare for the prospect of a growing number of local Grange partnerships, we considered how best the “Grange” and Economics for Peace Institute may advance mutual objectives.

See our openhouse partnership celebration.

The mission of both the Grange and Economics for Peace Institute seem to align on a common theme. The organizations have for mission to sustain the essentials that connect us, as people, to each other and to our landscapes. Participatory conversation and social fieldwork are methods to make clear those essentials.

The Grange’s origins are to serve farming communities in ways that support livelihood, the food web and sustainability. The Grange is a great place to begin, and for many reasons!

“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials liberty; in all things, charity.”

Grange Creed

The practice of social fieldwork is strengthened by working through historic community gathering places. However, social fieldwork is not limited to working through existing institutions, such as the National Grange. Sound social fieldwork may be conducted in any setting in which people come together to make a positive difference for ethical, unbiased research to serve common interests. Social fieldwork results require participatory review and evaluation for validation.

The Institute proposes long-range studies with local Granges as partners. We plan to begin in Washington state and hope to expand to other states over time and on a community-by-community basis. Feel free to be in touch if you’d like to help us grow to other local granges.

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